Friday, May 20, 2022

Day 1 - Tau-buid Mangyan Outreach

Happiness expressed in their precious smiles and delighted eyes

 The outreach with the Mangyans (Tau-buid)  was scheduled at 2pm  but there was a miscommunication that the katutubo started to come down from the mountains as early as 11:30 am so we had to finish our lunch early as well so we can leave the zaripath by 12:30.

Madayangdang Alliance Church

This Kubo beside the church served as food prep area/kitchen.

People started coming in the Madayangdang Alliance Church in Poypoy Calintaan, the venue of the outreach, the church was full packed that some had to just stay outside.

The venue was full packed thus some had just to watched from the church windows.

Couple by the window with pink curtains ( no political color)

Young people were watching watching through the window.

Mangyan is the collective name of eight ethnolinguistic groups— Iraya, Alangan, Tadyawan, Tau-Buid, Bangon, Buhid, Hanunoo, and Ratagnon —who inhabit the highland region of Mindoro.

The Tau-buid—also known as Taubuhid, Tawbuid, Bukid, Bu’id, Buhil, Buhid, and Batangan —are the most numerous of the Mangyan groups; they occupy the central highlands of the island, particularly Mount Baco, 2,488 eters high, and Mount Wood, 2,000 meters high—as well as the areas near major rivers Bongabong, Aglubang-Magsawang Tubig, Pola, Patrick, Lumintao, and Bugsanga.

from the article of

The event was opened with an ice breaker action dance, Mga Palaka O gak gak gak song. The Katutubo as well as the church workers enjoyed dancing to this Frog Song.

EVANGELISM through rope illustration
The main purpose of the outreach was to share GOD's words to this indigenous tribe though some of them are already believers, the simplest and fun way to make them understand the GOD's love for them is through the rope illustration. 

Bro Iking sharing salvation using the rope illustration.

Bro Iking explaining salvation to the Mangyans.

BREAK OUT SESSION - to maximize learnings and sharing , the Katutubo were divided into groups namely men, women & children.

Men's team - 
PCAC team explained further the meaning of the rope illustration about salvation  & prayed for the expressed concerns of the Mangyan men.
Men's group Sharing time, 

Women's team - shared the story of Mary, about the birth of Jesus foretold & the virgin conception, highlighting the quality of Mary of being obedient to God's will.

PCAC team  doing the story telling
while the Mangyan were seated in semi circle

A Mangyan mother won a prize for retelling the story of Mary

Children's team

Children story telling of the creation & evangelism

Kids listening to the story telling

Kids watching the performances


Teaching the Superbook Salvation song

Doing the action dance of the Superbook salvation song

PCAC team doing the Salvation action song


Song by Jay, one of the graduates of ACM Missionary training course, from Occidental Mindoro

The daughter of Ptr Julius Caesar Payas sang Katapatan mo

Mangyan youth

The event was attended by 50 adults and 30 children. 

    35 mangyan families were given food/gift packs containing:
            2 kls of rice
            25 grms kape
            1/2 kilo sugar
            cans of corn beef
            2 cans of meat loaf
    children were given gift packs of candies & chocolates.

The mosquito nets and food packs for the indigenous tribe.

The Mangyan couple received their food pack and mosquito net.

He was the only one who was traditionally dressed in G string bottoms.

May interview portion pa 

Feeding program 
Distribution of egg sandwich

Pansit for all

Abot kamay...ang pansit

Water station for kids

Distribution of pansit to the Mangyan kids

Joining the PCAC team were graduates of ACM Online Missionary Training Program Batch 2

The day was capped with early dinner fellowship prepare by the Madayangdang church leaders.

Native Organic Lechon, so crunchy

Ginataang gabi / laing, so yummy

Manibang manga, sobrang sarap, kakaibang tamis at asim

Para sa health conscious, gulay muna

Church Under Construction

There are a lot of things to be done in the church building, the flooring needs to be cemented, the exterior needs painting and a CR has to be build.

gravel flooring 

How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!”
Isaiah 52:7 NIV

And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
Romans 10:15 NIV

But GOD gave to Ptr Romy a new revelation that afternoon;
"how beautiful are the feet of the hearers of God's words".

Beautiful feet in spite of dirt, mud, dust, soil and callus

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Missions Mindoro 2022

It was raining almost daily that week, there was even a report of an encounter between NPA & the military wherein two (2) people died, but this did not dampened the high spirit of the Pasay City Alliance Church (PCAC) team headed by Ptr Romy Fernandez  to go to Calintaan Occidental Mindoro for the outreach amongst the Mangyans & appreciation fellowship with the CAMACOP Mindoro ministry workers. This trip was part of the missions exposure of the PCAC Kairos course graduates batch 2021.

Amidst heavy rain that Friday evening and a little delay, the team of 16 composed of PCAC leaders (deacons, deaconesses, prayer core & pastor) hopped in the two SUVs. The convoy got into traffic along Alabang because of the rain. Some of the passengers of the other SUV experienced motion discomfort causing them to stop along the high way to relieve their churning stomachs. 

We missed the 11:30 pm RORO by just a few minutes but since the other SUV got lost while exiting Star Toll in Batangas, thanks to Waze & human Waze,  we were just early for the 1:30 am trip. Our group had a chance to eat Mami at the carinderia in the port while waiting for the other car to arrive. By the way, prices of chichiria were quite high that some of our companions had to let go of purchasing banana chips & just settled for Boy Bawang.

Our car was amongst those who got in the ferry first while the other car was already stopped at the waiting line. By GOD'S grace & the convincing power (angry mode) of a team member, the personnel at the waiting line allowed them while the ship's staff also was able to squeeze the car, the 2nd to the last to  board the ship.

So everybody was happy specially the husbands of the ladies in the last car.                                          Are you puzzled? The couples were not in the same car?                                                                             Yes they were not but anyways, they were together on board the ship. Incidentally one of them was amongst those who vomitted while in Alabang, so the hubby really had to be by her side during the boat ride.

Praise GOD, the sea was good to us, not a wave could be felt nor the boat swayed by the winds, it was a pleasant sailing specially for our 1st timer on boat ride, Bro Rollie. So after 3 hours of smooth sailing,  we safely landed at Abra de Ilog Port of Occidental Mindoro. But there will be another 2.5 hours drive going to our destination.

  It was already Saturday morning, it was still dark when our cars left the port. Our church has an Upper room prayer session via zoom every  Sat at 6:30 am. There was no signal on the road  so Bro Rollie who heads the Prayer Core initiated the prayer session while we were travelling since most of those in our group were the regular attendees of that session.  One brother later told us that he was awaken from his sleep by the prayer of Bro Rollie who was seated beside him, he thought he might  already be in heaven as he heard the prayers.

This is one of my highlights during the trip, being able to join the morning prayer as I'm a not a morning person. Praying/lifting to GOD,  speaking blessings to whatever we see on the road including the prison & penal farm, the province, the NPAs, the local government as well as our personal thanksgiving and the Sunday church plus all our activities in the area. 

It was such an uplifting moment while our car was moving, the road was almost empty given that time of the day when people & animals are just awaking up , seeing the freshness of the surroundings, such greenery, the mountains are lush, the fields mostly are planted with Palay while others were just emptied of it's corn crops. The road was quite and the environment was  peaceful, such a nice moment to commune with our Creator.

We search Iriron Alliance Church around 7am, actually it is called Zaripath, a facility for rehabilitation and recreation of CAMACOP pastors/workers. Through the generosity of DMS Herradura we were allowed to use the Zaripath for our lodging during our short Mission trip for the Mangyan outreach and as venue for the appreciation activity to the workers/church planters in Calintaan Occidental Mindoro.

The Zaripath has two rooms, bathroom, kitchen and a large common area for activities. A few meters at the back of the facility is a rice field, river and a beach.

We were treated with  a healthy  breakfast of vegetables ( ampalaya, talong, okra) & dried fish. But we were served first with egg sandwich & coffee which we thought was already our breakfast so feasted on two (2)  sets of breakfast, really happy tummies.

While the food were still being digested, a short briefing about the church planting ministry in the province was given by  our host Ptr Rommel Mendoza.

Welcoming the Men's group

Ptr Rommel Mendoza (aka Kap Omel) introduced his team, seated facilitated the briefing. 

Ptr Omel & Ptr Romy, both wearing gray tshirts & shorts

After the briefing , we started preparing for the activities of the Mangyan outreach in the afternoon.

Coffee, canned goods for food packs to be given to the Mangyans 

PCAC team & the local workers preparing the gift packs of candies & chocolates for the Mangyan children 

Repacking of 2 kilos of rice for distribution to the Mangyan families

Preparing  the food packs 

Palit sintas para may magamit sa rope illustration

Aral muna bago salang sa activities sa mga Mangyan

We would like to share with you the activities of this successful ministry trip. 
Kindly click the links below.