Friday, August 21, 2020

The Return to Cottolengo Filipino 2020

It is still pandemic period, Covid 19 is  very much around but it is also the time for the annual outreach in commemoration of Chef Hobert's homecoming (August 9 ) which is an avenue to share God's blessings to those who are in need.

It is also the event wherein generous friends and relatives with hearts to give assistance were given a chance to share whatever they can, small or big amount will make up to complete the supplies that the orphanage needed. The beneficiary of this year's event is the Cottolengo Filipino, located in Rodriguez Rizal.

Gate of Cottolengo Filipino

List of the Orphanage Urgent Needs


Donations from friends and relatives of Chef Hobert 

Due to the sensitivity of the facility and the safety of the patients, visitors are not allowed to meet with the boys. Donations are just being dropped in front of the main building near the admin office for photo ops.

The Magrata family.

The group and the donations

It was also the birthday of one of the boys, Keth, so a birthday cake is a welcome treat while the pansit and takoyaki from Takoyaki Shefu became part of their merienda celebration. 

The birthday boy, KETH.

The birthday cake


The birthday merienda celebration.

These photos were just taken from their FB account since visitors were not allowed to join them.

James 1:27

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

The outreach has also became an annual family gathering wherein the support of my siblings and relatives made this truly a celebration.

My brother had to secure the travel permit since they will be coming from Olongapo City to join the activity and bring the donations (they were the designated shoppers of the requested supplies).


Me & my big son Rens at the first row
while Jun-Jun ( my inaanak), Max (my sister) & her kids ,Enrico & Kim at the back

My brother & his wife -Kuya Ricky & Ate Tess

My youngest sister Max & son Enrico

Lunch at Ate Inday Cora's place in Rodriguez Rizal. She also cooked the pansit for the orphanage.

with Ate Inday Cora

Thank you to all the donors who during  this difficult times wherein mostly were also finacially challenged but still managed to continue helping others by giving sacrificially to share their blessings.
Magrata family/ Fernandez family/ Rodriguez family/ Caberto family/ Ilag family/ friends from Dutyfree Phils, SM, churchmates from PCAC, highschool classmates from UE Cal, Dubai colleagues

Truly giving is not just to bless but giving is to glorify GOD who gives us the capacity to give and to bless.


This was our second visit to the orphanage, it was in September 2017 on my 52th birthday that we were able to interact with the boys of Cottolengo Filipino. We were able to hear some of them sing and dance, and have our birthday merienda too