Monday, October 26, 2015

The RETURN to the Lolas & Lolos of San Lorenzo Ruiz Home for the Elderly

SM Makati Team
We went back to the center on October 11, 2015 Sunday, in a small group, seven (7) from SM Makati and three (3) from Pasay City Alliance Church. It was just to finish off the excess financial support from my friends for the 50th outreach birthday celebration last September 13, 2015.

PCAC Ladies ( Tita Fely, Tita Carmen, me & Patty)
Mhedy with Sev (sleeping ) and friend Joan
The money that was collected were use to buy Tshirts with spiritual messages. Mhedy lend a hand by doing the shopping at Divisoria and also helped in the packaging.. She also joined the group with her son  (Sev) and friend (Joan).

My office staff joined me in the afternoon, chikahan and gift giving to the lolas and lolos.


the packing team

It was unfortunate that we were bumped off from our previous merienda schedule but it was also a blessings in disguise that we were given a slot after their afternoon prayer until their dinner time because we had more time to chat with the grannies.

This is Lolo Carlos Concepcion, he was alone at the lobby when we arrived, the other elderly were upstairs attending the afternoon mass.

Lola Jovita was the first to go down after the mass.

Husband  & wife, freshmen at the center ( less than 5 months)

The elderly had a busy day since they have guests during lunch and merienda, so we were the 3rd group that visited that Sunday.
Angelus @ the 2nd floor dining area.

Elderly who are already sickly and in wheel chairs mostly take their dinner at the 2nd floor dining area. So we went their first since they were the first to be served with food.

One Lola mistook SEV as her grand child, she became tear eyed. (that Lola is not in this picture)

Many of the elderly did not anymore remember me though it was only a month before that I celebrated my birthday with them. Though some of the  younger grand parents still recall the activity, the picture from the photo booth helped most of them to remember.

Main dining hall @ the  ground floor

When we went downstairs, the elderly are already having their dessert, mamon. So we had time to chat with them. 
Each table have one of my group members to chat with and the talented Lola and Lolos  performed for us.

Lola Isabel sang three songs.
Lolo Bernabe sang Ave Maria
Lolo Jose sang and recite a poem for Lola Conching (may la-loveteam)

with agriculturist Lola

Lolo Carlos always wants to be separated from the group

She's always asking " bakit ngayon ka lang dumating" , as if she's really waiting for us to come back.

Others request us to come back, making me feel that it was really lonely at the center without visitors.

Most of the Lolos & Lolas have a better life inside the center than when they were with their family or outside the center. Others have good positions in their previous work place but found themselves bankrupt and needed the center for shelter. Most of them abandoned. What ever is their previous status in life, they all find in the center God's love and provision.

May we also find in our hearts to be GOD's extension of HIS compassion  to these LOLOs and LOLAs by  giving them happiness thru simply spending time with them.