Monday, July 6, 2015

Dumagat Tribe of Cuyambay Tanay Rizal

1st MISSION EXPOSURE in Tuoy  Cuyambay

with the Katutubong Dumagat

with the PCAC mission exposure group

I am enrolled in KAIROS course at the Pasay City Alliance Church, we just finished chapter 7 about cross cultural mission. We were invited to take part on the outreach program of the church to the Dumagat tribe of Cuyambay Tanay Rizal.

Cuyambay Christian Church,  headed by Pastor Ramon Supat and his wife Pastora Mel Supat, is a daughter church of PCAC. The couple has done tremendous job and greatly affect the improvement in lives of the Dumagats in Cuyambay not only in their spiritual lives but also in elevating their self esteem and in educating the "no read no write" tribal people.

It is located in Banaba St Cuyambay Tanay Rizal and it  takes 72 steps uphill to get to the church,

We left PCAC at 5:30 am in 3 cars with 35 participants of different generations. We headed in the mountains of Rizal in a foggy climate but the ride was smooth since the road is all cemented.

Upon reaching the Cuyambay church ,some students  arrived  who were making a thesis about the indigenous tribe of the country, Dumagats being among them. They interviewed one of the tribal leaders Ka Carling who is an active member of the church.

the interview

While waiting for the other participants, the rest of the PCAC Group started repacking the relief goods that we will distribute to the Dumagat families in Tuoy Cuyambay.

Briefing  and prayers were also done before we went to the mountains.

The trek took about 1.5 to 2 hours depending on the speed of the trekkers.

There a junction with a river that signals the end of the cemented road.

Each participant carried a load of either relief goods, food,water and other supplies .

There is a plain flat soiled road.

There is as Uphill rocky road.


Half way to Tuoy , the group needed to take a rest, we were already tired of the long walk and the load seemed to be getting heavier. We welcome the break to rest, refresh and wait for the others who were behind in the trail.

  fresh buko for refreshment

The trek continued, Kuya Rey carrying relief goods over his head on the 
uphill trail in lush vegetation.

There were sawali from the bamboo along the trek.

Pose of senior couple (Tatay Ulding and Nanay Auring) .

detached shoe sole of Tess due to the difficult trek and she also ended up with soleless shoe

Going down the Dumagat tribe community we passed by this Uling (charcoal) making area.

Three male Katutubo carrying sacks of uling (can you spot them?).

These are the typical Dumagat house made of sawali .

Muddy footwear due to soft wet soil along the trail because of the rain in the recent night .

The assembly area under the mango tree

the Dumagats waiting patiently for us

Dumagat children

Jericho sporting a new hairstyle
Katutubo leader

Pastor Jade giving instructions prior to the fellowship of different groups.

PCAC women having fellowship with the Dumagat women

Dumagat ladies showing us a native dance

  playing bring me- things starting with letter T (can you name them?)

PCAC Achievers group handling the Dumagat children

PCAC men's fellowship with the Dumagat men

Benjie (katutubo) showed us how to make a fire without a match of lighter

fresh picked fruits in Tuoy

Patty holding BIGNAY

Tita Linda ( the oldest but among the fastest trekker in the group,73 years old)
reaching the freshly picked green MANGO

We left the Cuyambay Christian Church @ 10:30 am and arrived around 12:30 pm to the Dumagat community in Tuoy, have fellowship and lunch with the Katutubo then we headed back to the church by 3:00 pm, we are backed at the base by 5:30 pm. Rested and attended the evangelistic night at the plaza (basketball court).

By God's grace we were safely home in Pasay the next day (Saturday) with a very fulfilling experience of being able to share God's grace, goodness and salvation to the
Katutubong Dumagat of Cuyambay Rizal.

To GOD be the glory.